My best friend in the whole wide world is sick, really sick. Blizz, my fearless companion of the last 7 years has lymphoma. We got the confirmation today from the Vet. Mom and I are truly, truly heartbroken. Chemo will not be an option as Blizz is nearly 10 years old and does not tolerate sickness or medicine/treatment of any kind well. She's been given prednisone to help get her back to somewhat of normalcy for her last days.
We noticed a few weeks ago she wasn't eating as much as she ususally does and was losing weight. She then became very tired and would sleep most of the day. Mom took her to the Vet on Saturday. The Vet at first said it could be Lyme Disease but wanted to take a cytology of the lumps on her neck. They put her on a antibiotic hoping it would be the lesser of two evils, but in the end the most evil one won. If it was Lyme disease she probably would have been 'healed' within 30-60 days of the antibiotic.
She has completely lost her appetite, but the prednisone is suppose to bring it back. (We are praying!). I am so distrought over losing my best friend. We do not know how much longer she has left. I am writing this with tears in my eyes. Please pray for us!
I want to thank all my friends for their support during this difficult time. We will try to keep everyone updated and be on here more often.
Here's a nice picture of Blizz riding in the car tonight to our grandma's house. This is the first time she's been happy in weeks. I'm on the other side watching for cats! I'll have her back furever!